Friday, April 22, 2011

Fortune Friday

I think the little piece of paper inside a fortune cookie is a treasure.  And I save them, always.  I've been doing for years now.  It's like something a little kid would do.  Every time I got a new fortune, I would just throw it in my purse.  Eventually when I got business cards, I collected them all from the depths,  and now they live in the back of my BC case.  So last week Kam and I had Chinese and it struck me...I need to utilize my collection of fortunes.  I have so many, that if I only post one a week, I can keep this going for quite a while.  I have one special one that is my favorite.  I'll be sure and tell when its up.  Now I must share why I love fortunes so much.  You may already do this or have heard of it...but at the end of your fortune you have to add "in bed."  But only if your 18 or older.  Its so silly, I love it.

I like this new friday post.  Now I have an excuse to go eat asian food more.  Yay me!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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