Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wedding Invites

Hi all.  I haven't posted in a few days, don't want you to think I've bailed out again.  I have a few things to share here soon, I have just had some busy days and haven't had a chance to look at my photos.  In the mean time, I thought I'd share a wedding invitation and logo I designed for my cousin's wedding a few weeks ago.  They turned out pretty cute and the wedding was beautiful.  Congrats again Kim and Andrew!

These little word cards were sprinkled all over the reception.  There were about 20 different cards total.  The bride came up with all the words that related to marriage.  It was a really cute idea.  I just wish I had some photos to share of what they look liked on the tables.  I don't think they'd probably appreciate my snatching photos from the wedding album for my blog either.  We also turned the logo into a sticker that they placed onto the favors (little packets of coffee and teas.)  At the time of the wedding I guess I wasn't thinking of a future blog post.  Lame.  I know.
Congrats again Kim and Andrew.  I hope you two have a wonderful life together.

1 comment:

  1. The invites and word cards and everything else turned out beautifully, Brenna! Thank you so much for all of your help - we are so thankful for you!

