Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 months

Talk about a day late. I took this picture of him in the evening on March 14th and then the next morning at 4am woke up and took the 6 hour drive home to see lots of family and friends.  My dear sisterfriend Mandee Jo had her sweet baby girl and I was lucky enough to get to take her two week photos.  They came out absolutely perfect. I might just have to share one. So, here is my growing boy's 5 month picture and some info about him to follow...

So Mr Hazen is now getting solid foods. His favorite by far is apples. He is a roll over champ and in the past few days has finally figured out how to flip his cute little chubby butt back over. So not so much screeching anymore because he hates being on his tummy.  He still LOVES his Johnny Jump Up.  Oh thank you for the Johnny Jump Up.  It's just about the only things he loves to hang out in other than being packed around by his momma.  He loves dogs.  Dexter is constantly being screamed at and I seemed to be having to clean dog hair out of very damp little fingers more and more these days.  Last night I saw the first signs of a tooth. Top one, which I thought was weird.  But when we got up today, it went back into hiding. I'm sure he'll be returning very soon. That's all the important stuff I can thing of off the top of my head.  He's just a growing, smiley, hungry squawk box. And I love every inch of him.

My thoughts on being a mom? Sure. He's napping at the moment so I'd better fit in as much as I can into this post, because it might be another month before I get back here. There is definitely such as thing as biting off more than you can chew. Thinking I could work 40 hours a week and be a full time momma was a little ambitious. I'm getting it done, but poor Kam has to deal with a strung out wife by the end of the week. 

I'm slowly learning that it can't all be perfect. If I've got to let him watch that Baby Einstein and stare at the TV for 30 minutes so I can get some work done, than that's just what I have to do. It's better that he's with me than with a stranger 8 hours a day. (It's a funny thing for me because I used to be that stranger that took people's babies 8 hours a day. I look back on it and am blown away by it all. For those of you that don't know me too well, I worked from ages 16-20 in a home daycare). 

I'm learning that mom's need their time too. Most days I get about 20 minutes to myself about 9pm for a quick shower...and the whole time I can usually hear Hazen screaming for momma in the other room. I used to cook, blog almost every day, paint my nails and drink hot coffee too. All you mom's out there are probably chuckling at me right now and agreeing at the same time. But for all the things I used to do, I wouldn't trade Hazen for any of them.  He is the sweetest blue eyed bundle of love. But I do so appreciate that 20 minutes a day to let my mind be blank.

Breast feeding, pumping, working and being a full time mom is an insane but rewarding challenge. 

When I'm feeling overwhelmed, like I'm doing everything wrong and I'm losing touch with my own reality... to pause and take a breath and think of all the things that are so right. The fact that I get to work and be a momma full time. That Hazen is chubby and happy. That he doesn't have to be scared and cry all day because he is with a stranger and can't be held because they have 8 other children to care for. That I have just enough time to make all his food at home and how much more he loves that homemade food. That Kameron is an amazing husband to a new momma. That I am a mom.

Having a baby is the best thing I've done so far in my life. With a few close seconds.

And now that blue eyed love bug is squirming and staring at me so this post has officially come to and end. I hope it didn't sound like a rant. I just needed to get my thoughts out for a moment. Thank you for listening.

Ps. I love my mom.

Here is a pic of sweet baby Natalee and her beautiful momma... I hope you don't mind Jo.
Ok, maybe to. 5 months vs 2 weeks.
